Learning & Teaching

Parent / Teacher Interviews

Parents’ knowledge of their children is highly valued by staff at St John’s.  We understand that the opportunity to share information about students and their learning with parents through Parent / Teacher Interviews is of great importance to the progress of our students.

  • Early in Term One we have our Introductory Parent/Teacher Interviews where parents have the opportunity to meet their child’s teacher and share information about their child.
  • Early in Term 3,  Parent/Teacher Interviews are held again, providing a timely opportunity to discuss students’ Semester One Reports.
  • Semester Two Student Reports are issued in early December, parents wishing to discuss these with teachers may make an appointment.
  • Informal meetings with Class Teachers can be scheduled as required.  Please call the school office or speak directly to the Teacher  to schedule an appropriate time.
  • Further concerns or matters of interest, may be addressed directly with the Principal.

NOTE:  An ONLINE BOOKING process for Parent/Teacher interviews is available for parents. Instructions for this process will be provided via the School Newsletter.