News & Events

Dates To Remember

August 2024
Wed 28th August Sacrament of Confirmation Masses - St John's 5pm & 7pm
Thurs 29th August Fathers' Day Stall
Frid 30th August Fathers' Day Breakfast - 7.15am to 8.30am
Frid 30th August Fathers' Day Liturgy - 9.15am
Frid 30th August Author Visit - Michael Wagner
Thurs 5th Sept Footy Day
Mon 9th - Wed 11th Sept Grade 5/6 Camp
Mon 9th, Wed 11th & Thurs 12th Swimming Lessons - Juniors
Mon 16th, Wed 18th & Thurs 19th Swimming Lessons - Juniors
Thurs 19th Sept Canteen Closed
Frid 20th Sept Term 3 Concludes
October 2024
Mon 7th Oct Term 4 Commences
Tues 8th & Wed 9th Oct St Francis Xavier Colleges -Twilight Enrolment Tours & Info Sessions
Mon 14th October 2025 Prep Orientation Day - 2pm
Wed 30th October School Musical - Bunjil Place, Narre Warren
November 2024
School Closure Days - 2024
Mon 4th November Student Free Day
Tues 5th November Public Holiday - Melbourne Cup Day
Frid 15th November Student Free Day - Staff PD