News & Events

Annual Report

St John’s is a Catholic primary school that services Koo Wee Rup and surrounding areas. Our school is committed to developing effective and positive partnerships between school, home, parish and the local community.

It is our priority that students are able to learn in a safe environment where everyone is respected and Jesus and His Teachings are central.

We are blessed to have professional and dedicated staff members who continually strive for excellence in teaching and learning in a Catholic school community, working tirelessly to deliver the best possible learning opportunities for our students.

With Child Safety being a high priority at St John’s, we had a dedicated team of staff who promoted our Whole School Approach to Positive Behaviour, throughout 2023.

Through this focus we aim to develop the skills to be Respectful, Responsible, Resilient, able to Learn Together and Keep Safe, in all members of the St John’s school community.

We aspire to see our students thrive in the ever-changing world; to be confident, competent and connected individuals in their communities.

Download our 2023 Annual Report to the Community to find out more...