St John’s school community acknowledged Harmony Week during age appropriate class discussions and various activities throughout the week. Library classes resulted in a wonderful display of hands colored to represent numerous nationalities.

On Friday, Harmony Day, staff and students were encouraged to wear orange or national dress which reinforced our awareness of diversity and acceptance within our community.

During cross-aged activities, students completed a variety of art and crafts which have been displayed around the school.


On Tuesday 28th March at 9.15am, St John’s will be hosting an Foundation Open Morning for prospective 2024 students & families.  This is a wonderful opportunity to see the school in operation, have queries addressed, have a close look at our facilities and get an overall feel of our school community.      Click below for further details…

The Cancer Education Program, featuring the much-loved Camp Quality Puppets, visited our school recently to deliver its very engaging, age-appropriate cancer education.  Their program aims to dispel myths and also, whilst talking about cancer treatment and its side-effects, explains lots of the associated vocabulary children may struggle to understand.  Through simple story telling the performers used puppets to demonstrate everyday activities to explore the feelings and challenges that a sick child or their sibling may face during treatment or recovery.

Our families were encouraged to support this great cause through a small donation with our students and staff also enjoying a Crazy Hair Day.

Our congratulations to Fr Avinash, who was appointed Parish Priest of the Iona-Maryknoll & Koo Wee Rup Parishes recently. This change appointment from Parish Administrator to Parish Priest assures Fr Avinash and ourselves of his continuing leadership here in our Parish for a number of years.

We look forward to his visits to our classrooms, support with Sacramental preparations and celebrations,  and the continuing celebration of Whole School and Class Masses.


It has been wonderful to welcome students back for the commencement of Term 1. Their excitement and enthusiasm reinforces to us that we are providing the school community and learning environment worthy of the students entrusted to us.

A special welcome to our new students and their families, we trust your transition to our school community will be an enjoyable experience. So too, for our new staff, Mrs Jacqueline Taylor (Deputy Principal), Erin Bolton & Tamara Durrington.

Term 1 will fly by with our Start of Year Mass, Welcome Picnic, swimming sports, school camp, online workshops and fundraising, all in addition to our usual classroom activities.

Please contact our school office for any inquiries, Di & Nancy are available to assist.  Ph: 59971653