Our students have been preparing for the House Cross Country Event to be held on the school grounds on Thursday, 13th May. This is a whole school event where all students are encouraged and well supported in their participation. Students may wear colors in support of their House.

Qualifiers will go on to represent St John’s at the District Cross Country event on Friday 23rd May at Cardinia Recreation Reserve.


Preparations are underway for celebrating the Sacrament of Confirmation this month. There are two Parish Masses at which candidates will be receiving the Sacrament at St John’s Church Koo Wee Rup, Sunday 23rd May and Sunday 30th May, both at 9.30am.

We pray for these young people and trust the Holy Spirit will be a guiding influence in their thoughts and actions throughout their lives.

Please take note that due to a school closure day on Monday 19th April, students commence Term 2 on Tuesday 20th April.

*School Photos have been scheduled for Tuesday 20th April, so remember Winter Uniforms for students please.

St John’s staff would like to thank families for their support during Term 1 and to wish students and their families a blessed Easter and relaxing holidays.

For those families not going away, our Parish Easter ceremonies are as follows.

Holy Thursday:

7.30pm – Mass of the Lord’s Supper      St John’s Church, Koo Wee Rup

Good Friday:   

11am –  Ecumenical Stations of the Cross      St John’s Church, Koo Wee Rup

3pm –  The Passion of our Lord     St John’s Church, Koo Wee Rup

Easter Saturday

7.30pm –  Easter Vigil Mass    St James Church, Nar Nar Goon

Easter Sunday

8.30am –  Easter Sunday Mass   St John’s Church, Koo Wee Rup

9.30am –  Easter Sunday Mass  St Mary’s Church, Lang Lang



We congratulate all our senior students on the way they have shown leadership in their approach to learning and through their interactions with others during Term 1.

Special congratulations go to our recently elected 2021 School Captains, Hayley Milner & Levi Towers. We wish them well as they further develop their leadership skills through the responsibilities presented to them throughout the year.

The full list of recently elected 2021 House Captains, SRC Representatives and Social Justice Leaders can be found following this link…      2021 Student Leaders