Families wishing to enrol Foundation students for the 2022 school year are invited to attend our Foundation Open Morning on Tuesday 23rd March.  Details below…

Congratulations to all students for the wonderful start they have made to the 2021 school year.

The Foundation students have settled in well and staff throughout the school continue to familiarise students with new classes and the learning and behavioral expectations of their year level.

Grade Five and Six students enjoyed an exciting start to the year, returning from Camp on Friday following a week of activities and bonding with their peers.

Please note the following:

  • Foundation students:  In order to allow the Foundation children to ease into the school routine, they do not attend school on a full-time basis until after the Labour Day weekend in March.

No School on Wednesdays, Fulltime attendance, for our Foundation students, commences Tuesday 9th March. 

  • Masks must be worn by all Visitors to the school site.

For enquiries please contact the school office: Ph: 59971653

Congratulations to Grade 1 student, Evie Price for her entry in the Diocese of Sale Catholic Education Christmas Card Competition.  Evie’s depiction of the Nativity was selected as one of the top ten Secondary and Primary school entries and is displayed amongst all winning entries on the DOSCEL website.


With Christmas only weeks away, we will soon commence the Liturgical Season of Advent.  Advent is a time of preparation for the birth of our Lord and encompasses the period of the four Sundays preceding Christmas.

The recognised symbol of Advent is the Advent Wreath, often a circular display of greenery with 3 purple and one pink candle, representing each of the 4 Sundays, with a 5th white candle in the center, which is lit on Christmas Day.

This wreath is used in Churches and family homes alike, to symbolise the Hope, Peace, Love and Joy

experienced through the birth of Jesus at Christmas time.

You family will hear about Advent through our students and you may like to create your own Advent Wreath to display at home.


Even though 2020 has not been the school year we would usually have expected, it certainly has been one of many challenges for us all, with experiences requiring exceptional patience and immense learning.

What has not changed this year though, is how quickly the end of year is approaching with all the usual testing, reporting, planning and finalisation processes taking place.

We have enjoyed welcoming our new 2021 Foundation students and preparations are underway to make all our end of year celebrations as special as possible for all those involved, especially the Grade 6 Graduation.

Please keep informed with all correspondence forwarded to families either by email, letter, newsletter, Skoolbag or SeeSaw, as some plans may change according to the level of Restrictions in place.