Staff are eagerly preparing for the return of all students to school in Week 2 of Term Four.

Students in Foundation, Grades 1 & 2 will return to face to face learning on Monday 12th October.

Students in Grades 3 to 6, will return on Wednesday, 14th October.

Please refer to the email sent to all families and the school newsletter, regarding specific drop-off and end of day, staggered pick-up, details.

As restrictions and social distancing measures are still in place, parents are not allowed on the school grounds however if it is essential for you to visit the school office, a face mask must be worn.



We congratulate our students and their families for their continued support and commitment to Remote Learning during Term 3. There are times when the very thought of facing another day of sharing this learning with your children may have been a little ‘hair-raising’ to say the least however we appreciate that everyone is doing their very best in this challenging and unprecedented time for us all.

This term we were pleased to introduce virtual Class Meetings for all our students and to share Assemblies and School Liturgies remotely too. We can certainly see the benefits of the children seeing other children in their class and feeling connected to their school in this way,  so thank you all.

Our Term 3, Student Free Day for Staff Planning, is now on Friday 18th September, not Monday 7th September, as first scheduled.

So for those students currently attending School for supervision of their Remote Learning, families will need to make other arrangements.  For those students working from home, you’ll also have no activities to complete on Friday,18th September, an early start to the school holidays.

We acknowledge the challenges faced by families during the pandemic and all the additional stress and effects that the associated restrictions has had on family life.

However we trust that, even though Fathers’ Day may be different this year, we can still make our dads, grandfathers and other special people in our lives, feel appreciated and very special.

For those of you who missed it or simply want to share it again, here is the Blessing we shared with our School Community during our Father’s Day Liturgy.

Blessing for Fathers

God our Father,

In your wisdom and love you made all things. Bless all men, that they may be strengthened as Christian fathers and role models. Let the example of their faith and love shine forth. Guide them to know and understand that children need patience, kindness and loads of love. Bless all fathers with knowledge to know that their lives, and how they live it, is the greatest example of all. Just as Jesus lived His life by example, guide and nurture all fathers to live their lives in the fullness of life. Grant that we, their sons and daughters, may honour them always with a spirit of profound respect.

Grant this through Christ our Lord,  Amen.

Term Two Commences with St John’s staff providing Remote Learning for students.

Staff, students and their families are all navigating their way through this new approach to learning.  We appreciate your efforts and are here to support you as best we can.

Please use any of the current means of communication, like the Skoolbag and SeeSaw Apps, noting also that the school office is open for any enquiries.