On Sunday 6th August, a number of our senior students will formally commit to their ongoing preparation to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation.

The following dates are important in this preparation process:

  • Confirmation Commitment Mass:  Sunday 6th Aug. 9.30am St John’s Church, Koo Wee Rup
  • Confirmation Learning Mass:  Sunday 27th Aug. 9.30am St John’s Church, Koo Wee Rup
  • Confirmation Workshop-Parent & Child:  Thurs 31st Aug. 6.30-7.30pm  St John’s Hall, Koo Wee Rup
  • Confirmation Reflection Day:  Wed 6th Sept. Marist Sion College  (TBC)
  • Sacrament of Confirmation:  Sat 9th Sept. 6pm St John’s Church, Koo Wee Rup

What a high energy way to end Term Two for our students, our School Disco. Congratulations to our Friends of St John’s Group who organised the very successful event and to those students in attendance who made it an enjoyable time for everyone.

Throughout the day we celebrated St John the Baptist Feast Day with a Liturgy, a visit to classrooms by parents and cross-age activities in our House Team groups. Following on from our Integrated Learning this term about the past, Team Leaders gave presentations on the historical background of the significance of each of our House names, Wood, Scott, Cremin & MacKillop, with students then completing various related activities. A sausage sizzle lunch was greatly appreciated by students and surely contributed to the high-energy dancing that followed at the disco after school finished.


The theme for Catholic Education Week this year is, Catholic Schools – Places of Encounter. ‘Let the Words You Speak Always Be Full of Grace,’ based on the Bible Scripture, Colossians 4:6.

The Director of Catholic Education, Paul Velten says;

“This message reflects our commitment to promoting kindness, respect, and compassion in our schools and communities. Catholic schools are more than just buildings where students come to learn. They are Places of Encounter where students can grow academically, spiritually and personally.”

“The ‘Speak with Grace‘ theme aims to encourage students and school communities to use their words to build up others, to speak out against injustice, and to spread love and hope in the world.“

At St John’s our students were encouraged to consider what makes our school such a special place and to write prayerful petitions to present at Mass this weekend. Our whole school gathered for a Liturgy which celebrated our Catholic School community and demonstrated the work of Carritas in other communities.

Our Grade 3/4 students visited the Koo Wee Rup Regional Health Center and sang, as part of their centenary celebrations and our senior classes took part in activities at St Francis Xavier College this week, continuing our relationship in providing a rich Catholic Education for students and involvement in our local community.

Following our successful House Cross County recently, 40 students qualified to compete in the District Cross Country Event at Cardinia Recreational Reserve today, 16th May.

Our students are to be commended on the determination and sportsmanship shown while competing and representing our school. Our congratulations go to the six students who have qualified to go on to the Regional Cross Country Event on Wednesday 31st May.

We were so pleased with the number of mothers and special women in our students’ lives that were able to join us on Friday morning for our Mothers’ Day breakfast and Liturgy.

Our staff are to be congratulated for their generosity of time for the preparations in advance and their early start to the day, in order to provide this wonderful experience for our families.

We hope all our families all had the opportunity to celebrate Mother’s day with loved ones at the weekend.