We congratulate all those students who presented themselves for positions of leadership for the 2024 school year, their wiilingness and enthusiasm to take responsibilty is to be commended.

Of those, the students themselves elected the following students to represent St John’s and lead them throughout 2024.

Congratulations to our 2024 School Captains, Isla O’Neill & Hugh Quinn .

For a full list of our House Captains, Social Justice Leaders, W.A.L.K. Ambassadors and SRC Representatives, please see our Sudent Leaders page.

Please join us in the school hall for our Start of Year, Whole School Liturgy on Thursday 8th February at 11.30am.

Fr Avinash will return from leave shortly and will celebrate Ash Wednesday Mass on Wednesday 14th February at 11.30am.

Our Friends of St John’s Committee invites families to join our Welcome Picnic on Friday 9th February from 5pm – 7pm.

Bring along your picnic essentials and set yourself up under our shady trees bordering the oval, to catch up with friends , meet some new families and put faces to some of the staff you may not have met yet.

We were pleased to see the enthusiasm of the students as they arrived ready to embark on all that the coming year has to hold for them. It was also wonderful to see the family support given to our Foundation students as they entered school for their first formal day at St John’s, notably there was more tears from the parents alongside some young hesitant & coy, smiling faces.

We have much to look forward to in coming weeks as students get familiar with new teachers, classrooms and routines;  a whole school Liturgy, swimming trials, sports and lessons,  Ash Wednesday and Lent, Parent-Teacher interviews etc.

We encourage lots of quiet, restful time at home for our junior students especially, as they get used to school life and warm days.

Last week we farewelled our Year 6 students.  Firstly, with a Candle Ceremony where the Grade 6 students formally handed over the leadership to the future Grade 6 students of 2024. All Grade sixes were commended for the leadership shown and the strong bonds they had created with their Prep Buddies.

Then, following the Graduation Mass on Wednesday, celebrated by Fr Avinash, Mr Dortmans thanked the School Captains Charlea & Jai, for their leadership, making special note of the growth in their confidence throughout the year.

Congratulations to the following students who received Graduation Awards:                               

St John the Baptist Citizenship Award: Indie Meyer

Sportsmanship Awards: Bradley Thurling & Lucy Banks

St John the Baptist Awards: Indiana Maloney & Oscar Wilson

Men’s Shed Encouragement Award: Alex Elliott

St John the Baptist Academic Award:  Xanthe Parker

St Sofia Committee Awards: Charlotte Hughes & Lacey Hester

The Colour Event and Guard of Honour last Friday created a fitting end to their time at St John’s and a way to thank them for the contributions they’ve made to our school community.  We wish them all the best for secondary school.