At St John’s all students are given opportunities to experience prayer through word, reflective music and song, within the classroom setting and to also participate in more formal prayerful experiences within liturgies and through the celebration of the Mass led by Fr Avinash.

Student leaders actively promote Social Justice awareness throughout the school through fundraising for Caritas during Lent and also through supporting the work of our local Parish St Vincent de Paul Society in providing funds and goods for the less fortunate in our wider community.
Our Walk Ambassadors have the responsibility to assist staff in the preparation for liturgies and Masses and to be actively involved in these celebrations. They also participate in keeping a visual presence of significant Feast Days, celebrations or the current liturgical season of the Catholic Church calendar within our school.
Our whole school approach to Positive Behaviour displayed throughout the school as footprint posters of ‘WALK With St John’, provides a constant reference point as to our expected behaviours when interacting with others in our attempt to follow in the footsteps of St John the Baptist.
SACRAMENTS – what are sacraments and who can receive them?
In the Catholic Church, Sacraments are a way of celebrating and being part of the faith community. At St John the Baptist School, celebrating the Sacraments is all part of the lived experience of the Catholic Faith when we celebrate Masses and Liturgies. These Sacraments include: Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation. Sacraments support families to understand and deepen their faith and connectedness to God.
In order for students to complete Sacraments within the Parish, families need to form a partnership with the Faith by Baptising their children. Many people believe this has to be ‘done’ when children are babies, however even our namesake John the Baptist baptised people as adults. You can have your children baptised at any age, by wanting to be part of the Catholic Faith and experiencing this as a family. If you are interested, please don’t hesitate to ask questions of Mr Dortmans or Mrs Hance.
At St John the Baptist, we want everyone to feel included in our school Masses, Sacraments and Liturgies. This means even if a student is not baptised, they will always be welcomed into the church. During special Sacraments such as Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation, all students- baptised and unbaptised are welcome to attend and receive special blessings. This is one way our community can support each other in the Faith and celebrate milestones with each family.