St John’s views the school uniform as an important aspect of our School Mission, to ‘develop a sense of belonging to the school….’ we are proud of our uniform and maintain a high expectation that students wear the uniform proudly and adhere to the associated rules.
Please make yourself familiar with our policy on school uniform:
The school uniform is now available through our supplier Beleza, at the Pakenham store and will be displayed on our Open Morning for parents to view.
School Colors: Navy and Gold
For details regarding specific Uniform items, Sports Uniform and permissable Footware, Jewellery, Make-up and Hair styles, see the Uniform Guidelines listed below.
Jewellery/Make-Up/Nail Polish
Students are not permitted to wear visible makeup or jewellery other than plain small silver or gold sleepers or studs for piercedears. No gemstones or pearls. Only one sleeper or stud per ear is permitted. Coloured nail polish is not to be worn.
Hair in general terms must be clean, neatly styled and tied back if long. Hair style extremes should be avoided ie: Mohawks, pattern shaving, bright colouring, etc. Hair accessories must be navy or gold.
Hats—Sun Smart
Hats must be worn in Terms 1 & 4 for outside play, sports lessons and excursions. Slouch hats and bucket hats are the two options.
School Bag
The St Johns school bag is compulsory.
Wearing Uniform Correctly
At St Johns we are very proud of our school uniform and we expect that it is correctly worn at all time
Please Note:
- The school board has agreed that the uniform policy will be strictly adhered to.
- An ammendment to the Uniform Guidelines was made by the school board in June 2018 which allows boys to wear shorts all year round therefore becoming an alternative to the school trousers for the Boys Winter Uniform.
- A note is required if a child is to be out of uniform.
- All clothing should be labelled with a PERMANENT label. Blue biro written on the tag quickly washes off. Sewn or iron-on labels are advised.
- Lost Property – unlabelled items are kept in the Adminstration area, please ask at the office for assistance.