At St John’s we value our learning time with students. We strive to provide optimum learning opportunities throughout our school day and continually encourage students to use their time in class wisely. We ask families to support their child’s learning by having them at school on time and closely monitoring their days absent.
Term Dates – 2025
Term 1: 28 January (Teachers commence) to 4 April
Term 2: 22 April to 4 July
Term 3: 21 July to 19 September
Term 4: 6 October to 19 December
Please Note: Our school terms may differ slightly due to various closure days added to the beginning or end of holiday periods. Full details of these will be advised in newsletters and other correspondence as appropriate.
School Hours / Bell Times
8.50am Students Assemble – Classes Commence
10.50am Recess – Outside Play
11.20am Students Assemble – Classes Continue
1.10pm Students Eat Lunch (in the Classroom)
1.20pm Lunchtime – Outside Play
2.00pm Students Assemble – Classes Continue
3.10pm Student Dismissal from Classrooms
Absences – If your child is absent from school we require notice of this via PAM (Parent Access Module), alternatively, a call to the office on the morning of the child’s absence and a written note of explanation on their return to school.
Late Arrivals / Early Departures – If you are dropping your child off late or collecting him/her early, please visit the office to sign them in/out accordingly. A Late Arrival card will be given to your child to present to the classroom teacher, or your child will be called to the office to meet you for early departures.
Please Note:
- A written note or phone call is required if children are to be collected or travel home with anyone other than their parent or guardian.
- Student absences, late arrivals and early departures are collated and recorded on your child’s Semester Reports via our Electronic Roll program.