St John’s Buddy Program, which involves matching of Foundation students with a ‘Buddy’ from Grade Six, provides a great opportunity for regular shared learning and encourages cross-age relationship building.
Buddies can also be wonderful role models and offer great support to the younger students for whole school events which could otherwise be challenging or even somewhat overwhelming.
The Buddy program regularly operates in the classrooms in a structured manner; ‘Buddies’ join the Foundation / Grade One classes for activities which promote assisted and often shared learning experiences. Such activities may involve laptop use, shared reading, crafts and games. These ‘Buddy’ relationships also naturally flow into the playground where casual interactions further develop a sense of belonging to a school community.
In our experience the Buddy program has benefits that last for students throughout their time at St Johns. It establishes a solid connection with the senior students for the younger members of our school community whilst promoting responsibility, understanding and patience for our senior students.
Proudly our ‘Buddy’ Program is one of the experiences that graduating students often recall fondly in reflecting on their time at St John’s.